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Crokinole Carrom

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If you have never played carrom but are familiar with the pocket billiard game "eight ball", then you can adapt that game to carrom. We sometimes play our version when we don't have time to play the longer game.

Follow the basic rules for setup and play. The breaking player is not automatically white but may choose a color if he sinks any pieces on the break. If he sinks the red piece (the queen) on the break, he wins.

If a player pockets one or more of his pieces without scratching (pocketing the striker), he picks up and places the striker and shoots again. It does not matter if he pockets an opponent's piece too.

If a player pockets an opponent's piece, it stays in the pocket even if the shooter pockets the striker too.

A player may sink the red piece only after all of his own pieces have been pocketed. A player wins if he accomplishes this feat.

A player loses his turn if he pockets the red piece out of sequence. Any other pieces sunk on the same shot remain in the pockets (exception: see next rule). The player who fouled must immediately place the red piece on the small center circle. If it is blocked, he places it anywhere completely inside the big center circle. (The player to shoot next does not spot the red piece.)

If a player sinks the striker, his turn is over. Any opponent's pieces pocketed on the shot remain in the pockets. If he sank any of his own pieces, they are removed from the pockets, and his opponent spots them anywhere within the big center circle. If he pocketed the red piece, he spots it himself as explained above.

There is no penalty for knocking pieces off the board. The player who does not shoot next spots them accordingly, and play continues normally.

Feel free to change the rules to suit your tastes and game.

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